You (0.16)
Mastery (0.95)

Let's learn a few more ASL letters:

The letter A in ASL

This is a


The letter C in ASL

This is a


The letter S in ASL

This is a


And here are the three letters you already know:

The letter B in ASL

This is a


The letter K in ASL

This is a


The letter T in ASL

This is a


Ok, time for another quiz!

The letter C in ASL The letter A in ASL The letter T in ASL

What is the word above?

You guessed:

Silhouette of a cat

Answer: cat

Did you get it right? Hopefully, that question was easier than the first one. So what do you think happened? Tell me!

Well, this is connected to our next BKT parameter: P(init). This is the probability that the student already knew the skill before being tested. The "init" reflects the fact that P(init) is essentially measuring a student's level of initial knowledge prior to a practice opportunity.

How do you think your P(init) changed from the first question to the second?

I think it...

Yes, your P(init) increased!

What does that mean? Well, before the first question, you likely didn't know much (or anything) about ASL, but now you've learned six letters of the alphabet and can recognize some spelled out words. In other words, your knowledge of ASL has increased.

BKT estimates the probability that a student has learned a skill with P(init). As it will turn out, P(guess) and the other BKT parameters help update P(init) over time. Once P(init) exceeds a threshold, which is typically set at 0.95, we say that the student has achieved mastery. However, this mastery threshold can vary depending on the situation.

Let’s track your own journey to mastery! You can see your current P(init) with the mastery bar at the top of the page. Hover over the bar to view probabilities. Got it!

Alright, let’s continue learning about more parameters!
